//@ts-check import JadefinIntegrity from '../JadefinIntegrity.js'; import Jadefin from "../Jadefin.js"; import JadefinMod from "../JadefinMod.js"; import JadefinModules from "../JadefinModules.js"; import JadefinUtils from "../JadefinUtils.js"; import { rd, rdom, rd$, RDOMListHelper } from "../utils/rdom.js"; const TICKS_PER_MS = 10000; export default JadefinIntegrity("Transcript", import.meta.url, () => new (class Transcript extends JadefinMod { _currentPlayer; _currentTrack; /** @type {any[] | null} */ _currentSubsRaw = null; /** @type {any[] | null} */ _currentSubs = null; _isEnabled = false; _isAutoscroll = true; _ignoreScroll = true; /** @type {Element | undefined} */ _lastOsdPage; _lastHtmlVideoPlayer; _lastOffs = Number.NaN; _lastInView = Number.NaN; _btnTranscript = rd$()` `; _osdTranscript = rd$()`
`; _osdTranscriptLogWrap = JadefinUtils.notnull(this._osdTranscript.querySelector(".transcriptLogWrap")); _osdTranscriptLog = JadefinUtils.notnull(this._osdTranscript.querySelector(".transcriptLog")); _osdTranscriptLogList = new RDOMListHelper(this._osdTranscriptLog); _ssaAssFetching; _ssaAssObserver = new MutationObserver(this.onSsaAssCanvasAdded.bind(this)); _ssaAssObserverConfig = { childList: true }; _osdBottomObserver = new ResizeObserver(this.updatePosition.bind(this)); constructor() { super(); this._btnTranscript.addEventListener("click", () => this.isEnabled = !this.isEnabled); this._osdTranscriptLogWrap.addEventListener("scroll", () => { if (!this._ignoreScroll) { this._isAutoscroll = false; } else if (window.onscrollend === undefined) { this._ignoreScroll = false; } }); this._osdTranscriptLogWrap.addEventListener("scrollend", () => { if (!this._ignoreScroll) { this._isAutoscroll = false; } else { this._ignoreScroll = false; } }); JadefinUtils.events.addEventListener(JadefinUtils.eventTypes.WORKER_CREATED, e => { const detail = e["detail"]; // TODO: 10.9 should've replaced JSSO / libssa-js with JASSUB, revisit once that's stable. if (!detail.args.scriptURL.endsWith("/libraries/subtitles-octopus-worker.js")) { return; } /** @type {Worker} */ const worker = detail.worker; worker.addEventListener("message", this.onSsaAssWorkerMessage.bind(this)); }); this.initHookDocumentAddEventListener(); this.initHookDocumentRemoveEventListener(); } get isEnabled() { return this._isEnabled; } set isEnabled(value) { if (!this._isEnabled && value) { this._isAutoscroll = true; this._lastOffs = Number.NaN; this._lastInView = Number.NaN; } this._isEnabled = value; this.update(); } get currentSubsRaw() { return JadefinUtils.currentPlayer == this._currentPlayer ? this._currentSubsRaw : null; } get currentSubs() { return JadefinUtils.currentPlayer == this._currentPlayer ? this._currentSubs : null; } async init(name, url) { await super.init(name, url); const initing = [ this.initStyle(), this.initHookSetTrackForDisplay(), this.initHookFetchSubtitles(), this.initHookSetOffset(), ]; document.addEventListener("viewshow", () => { this.update(); }); await Promise.all(initing); this.log.i("Ready"); } async initHookSetTrackForDisplay() { await JadefinUtils.waitUntil(() => JadefinModules.htmlVideoPlayer); const self = this; const orig = this._setTrackForDisplay = JadefinModules.htmlVideoPlayer.prototype.setTrackForDisplay; JadefinModules.htmlVideoPlayer.prototype.setTrackForDisplay = function(videoElement, track, targetTextTrackIndex) { self.log.i("Setting subtitles"); self.log.dir(track); if (self._currentPlayer == this && self._currentTrack?.DeliveryUrl && track?.DeliveryUrl && self._currentTrack.DeliveryUrl == track.DeliveryUrl) { // Subtitle track got "changed" for another reason, f.e. audio track change. return orig.call(this, videoElement, track, targetTextTrackIndex); } self.setSubtitles(track, null, true); const codec = track?.Codec?.toLowerCase(); let format = ""; let incrementFetchQueue = false; if (codec == "ssa" || codec == "ass") { format = ".ass"; incrementFetchQueue = true; } // Required because ass subs are fetched separately. if (incrementFetchQueue) { if (self._ssaAssFetching != this) { self.log.v("Manually incrementing fetch queue"); self._ssaAssFetching = this; self._ssaAssObserver.disconnect(); // @ts-ignore - not entirely correct, but video is non-null here. self._ssaAssObserver.observe(JadefinUtils.video?.parentNode, self._ssaAssObserverConfig); this.incrementFetchQueue(); } } else if (self._ssaAssFetching == this) { self.log.v("Manually decrementing fetch queue (sub change)"); this._ssaAssFetching?.decrementFetchQueue(); this._ssaAssFetching = null; this._ssaAssObserver.disconnect(); } if (format != "") { // We need to fetch ass subs ourselves. self.log.i("Manually fetching subtitles (non-subrip format)"); self.log.dir(track); let url = JadefinModules.playbackManager.getSubtitleUrl(track, JadefinModules.playbackManager.currentItem(JadefinUtils.currentPlayer)); url = url.replace(format, ".js"); this.incrementFetchQueue(); fetch(url) .then(r => r.json()) .then(r => self.setSubtitles(track, r)) .finally(() => this.decrementFetchQueue()); } return orig.call(this, videoElement, track, targetTextTrackIndex); }; } async initHookFetchSubtitles() { await JadefinUtils.waitUntil(() => JadefinModules.htmlVideoPlayer); const self = this; const orig = this._fetchSubtitles = JadefinModules.htmlVideoPlayer.prototype.fetchSubtitles; JadefinModules.htmlVideoPlayer.prototype.fetchSubtitles = function(track, item) { self.log.i("Fetching subtitles"); self.log.dir(track); const rv = orig.call(this, track, item); rv.then(r => self.setSubtitles(track, r), () => self.setSubtitles(track, null)); return rv; }; } async initHookSetOffset() { await JadefinUtils.waitUntil(() => JadefinModules.htmlVideoPlayer); const self = this; const resetSubtitleOffset = this._resetSubtitleOffset = JadefinModules.htmlVideoPlayer.prototype.resetSubtitleOffset; JadefinModules.htmlVideoPlayer.prototype.resetSubtitleOffset = function() { var rv = resetSubtitleOffset.call(this); self.update(); return rv; }; const updateCurrentTrackOffset = this._resetSubtitleOffset = JadefinModules.htmlVideoPlayer.prototype.updateCurrentTrackOffset; JadefinModules.htmlVideoPlayer.prototype.updateCurrentTrackOffset = function(offsetValue, currentTrackIndex) { var rv = updateCurrentTrackOffset.call(this, offsetValue, currentTrackIndex); self.update(); return rv; }; } initHookDocumentAddEventListener() { const orig = this._addEventListener = document.addEventListener.bind(document); document.addEventListener = (type, listener, options) => { if (type == "wheel") { const listenerStr = listener.toString(); // Anonymous function in playback-video if (listenerStr.indexOf("volumeUp") != -1 && listenerStr.indexOf("volumeDown") != -1 && listenerStr.indexOf("deltaY") != -1) { this.log.i("Wrapping playback-video wrap listener"); this.log.dir(listener); const origListener = this._playbackWheel = listener; listener = this._playbackWheelWrap = (e) => { if (JadefinUtils.hasParent(e.target, this._osdTranscript)) { return; } return origListener(e); }; } } return orig(type, listener, options); }; } initHookDocumentRemoveEventListener() { const orig = this._removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener.bind(document); document.removeEventListener = (type, listener, options) => { if (listener == this._playbackWheel) { listener = this._playbackWheelWrap; } return orig(type, listener, options); }; } onSsaAssCanvasAdded() { const htmlVideoPlayer = this._ssaAssFetching; this._ssaAssObserver.disconnect(); this.log.v("Manual fetch queue progress - SsaAss canvas updated"); if (!htmlVideoPlayer) { this.log.v("Manual fetch queue fail - no htmlVideoPlayer"); return; } // The canvas gets added relatively early, therefore hook drawImage. // TODO: 10.9 should've replaced JSSO / libssa-js with JASSUB, revisit once that's stable. const canvas = JadefinUtils.video.parentNode?.querySelector("canvas"); const ctx = canvas?.getContext("2d"); if (!ctx) { this.log.v("Manually decrementing fetch queue (no 2d ctx)"); htmlVideoPlayer.decrementFetchQueue(); return; } // TODO: drawImage doesn't fire for ass / ssa scenarios where subs start late. const orig = ctx.drawImage.bind(ctx); ctx.drawImage = (...args) => { if (!this._ssaAssFetching) { return orig(...args); } this.log.v("Manually decrementing fetch queue (drawImage)"); this._ssaAssFetching.decrementFetchQueue(); this._ssaAssFetching = null; return orig(...args); }; } onSsaAssWorkerMessage(e) { if (!this._ssaAssFetching) { return; } if (e.data.target == "canvas" && e.data.op == "oneshot-result") { this.log.v("Manually decrementing fetch queue (worker message)"); this._ssaAssFetching.decrementFetchQueue(); this._ssaAssFetching = null; } } setSubtitles(track, subs, force) { if (!force && this._currentTrack != track) { this.log.w("Late sub fetch"); return; } if (subs) { this.log.i("Subtitles updated"); this.log.dir(subs); } else { this.log.i("Subtitles reset"); } this._currentPlayer = JadefinUtils.currentPlayer; this._currentTrack = track; const raw = this._currentSubsRaw = /** @type {any[] | null} */ (subs?.TrackEvents); if (!raw) { this._currentSubs = null; } else { const track = JadefinModules.playbackManager.subtitleTracks().find(t => t.Index == JadefinModules.playbackManager.getSubtitleStreamIndex()); const codec = track?.Codec?.toLowerCase(); let isAss = false; if (codec == "ssa" || codec == "ass") { isAss = true; } let subs = raw.map(l => ({ id: l.Id, timeStartRaw: l.StartPositionTicks, timeEndRaw: l.EndPositionTicks, timeStart: l.StartPositionTicks / TICKS_PER_MS, timeEnd: l.EndPositionTicks / TICKS_PER_MS, isPositive: true, timeText: "", text: l.Text, textSpan: /** @type {HTMLElement | null} */ (null), active: false, el: /** @type {HTMLElement | null} */ (null) })); for (let line of subs) { let text = line.text; if (isAss) { // TODO: Filter out SVG in ASS properly text = text.replace(/^(?"); line.textSpan = span; } const seen = []; const filtered = []; let lastTime = -1; for (let line of subs) { let time = line.timeStartRaw; if (time < lastTime) { continue; } const text = line.textSpan?.innerText?.trim()?.toLowerCase() ?? ""; if (text.length == 0) { continue; } // TODO: Filter out karaoke in ASS properly if (isAss && text.indexOf(" ") == -1 && seen.findIndex(t => t.indexOf(text) != -1) != -1) { continue; } let index = seen.indexOf(text); if (index == -1) { filtered.push(line); lastTime = time; if (seen.length >= 10) { seen.splice(0, 1); } } else { seen.splice(index, 1); } seen.push(text); } this._currentSubs = filtered; } this._isAutoscroll = true; this._lastOffs = Number.NaN; this._lastInView = Number.NaN; this.update(); } /** * @param {ResizeObserverEntry[]} entries */ updatePosition(entries) { const entry = entries[0]; const height = entry.contentRect.height; if (height <= 0) { return; } this._osdTranscript.style.bottom = `calc(${height}px + 3em)`; } updateActive() { const video = JadefinUtils.video; const currentPlayer = JadefinUtils.currentPlayer; const subs = this.isEnabled ? this.currentSubs : null; if (!video || !currentPlayer || !subs) { return; } const time = video.currentTime * 1000 + ((currentPlayer._currentPlayOptions?.transcodingOffsetTicks || 0) / TICKS_PER_MS) + currentPlayer.getSubtitleOffset() * 1000; /** @type {any} */ let nextInView = null; for (let i in subs) { const line = subs[i]; if (!line.isPositive) { continue; } const active = line.timeStart <= time && time <= line.timeEnd; const progress = (time - line.timeStart) / (line.timeEnd - line.timeStart); if (progress < 0 && line.timeStart < (subs[nextInView]?.timeStart ?? Number.MAX_VALUE)) { nextInView = i; } if (!line.active && !active) { continue; } if (active) { nextInView = i + 1; } line.active = active; line.el?.classList.toggle("active", active); line.el?.style.setProperty("--progress", `${Math.max(0, Math.min(progress, 1))}`); } nextInView = nextInView != null ? Math.max(0, nextInView - 1) : (subs.findIndex(l => l.isPositive) + 1); if (this._lastInView != nextInView) { const lastInView = subs[this._lastInView]; if (lastInView && Math.abs(lastInView.el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - this._osdTranscriptLogWrap.getBoundingClientRect().bottom) < 8) { this._isAutoscroll = true; } this._lastInView = nextInView; if (this._isAutoscroll) { this._ignoreScroll = true; subs[nextInView]?.el?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: this._osdTranscript.getAttribute("inert") != null ? "instant" : "smooth", block: "end", inline: "nearest" }); } } } update() { if (!JadefinUtils.routePathIsVideo || !this.currentSubs) { this._isEnabled = false; } this.log.v(`Updating, enabled: ${this.isEnabled}`); this._updateOsdPage(); this._updateHtmlVideoPlayer(); this._updateSubtitleTimes(); this._updateTranscriptLog(); this.updateActive(); this._btnTranscript.classList.toggle("hide", !this.currentSubs); this._btnTranscript.classList.toggle("enabled", this.isEnabled); this._osdTranscript.classList.toggle("enabled", this.isEnabled); this._osdTranscript.toggleAttribute("inert", !this.isEnabled); } _updateOsdPage() { const videoOsdPage = document.querySelector("div#videoOsdPage:not(.hide)"); if (!videoOsdPage || this._lastOsdPage == videoOsdPage) { return; } this._lastOsdPage = videoOsdPage; this.log.i("Adding event listener to videoOsdPage"); this.log.dir(videoOsdPage); videoOsdPage.addEventListener(window.PointerEvent ? "pointerdown" : "click", e => { const srcElement = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (e.target); if (JadefinUtils.hasParent(srcElement, this._osdTranscript)) { e.stopPropagation(); } }, true); const osdBottom = videoOsdPage.querySelector(".videoOsdBottom"); if (osdBottom) { this.log.i("Observing osd bottom size"); this.log.dir(osdBottom); this._osdBottomObserver.disconnect(); this._osdBottomObserver.observe(osdBottom); } const buttons = videoOsdPage.querySelector(".osdControls > .buttons"); if (this._btnTranscript.parentElement != buttons && buttons) { this.log.i("Adding transcript button to osd buttons"); this.log.dir(buttons); buttons.insertBefore(this._btnTranscript, buttons.querySelector(".btnSubtitles")); } if (this._osdTranscript.parentElement != videoOsdPage) { this.log.i("Adding transcript to osd page"); videoOsdPage.insertBefore(this._osdTranscript, videoOsdPage.querySelector(".videoOsdBottom")); } } _updateHtmlVideoPlayer() { if (!this.isEnabled) { return; } const currentPlayer = JadefinUtils.currentPlayer; if (!currentPlayer || this._lastHtmlVideoPlayer == currentPlayer) { return; } this._lastHtmlVideoPlayer = currentPlayer; this.log.i("Adding event listener to htmlVideoPlayer"); this.log.dir(currentPlayer); JadefinModules.Events.on(currentPlayer, "timeupdate", this.updateActive.bind(this)); } _updateSubtitleTimes() { const subs = this.isEnabled ? this.currentSubs : null; if (!subs) { return; } const offs = (JadefinUtils.htmlVideoPlayer?.getSubtitleOffset() ?? 0) * 1000 * TICKS_PER_MS; if (this._lastOffs == offs) { return; } this._lastOffs = offs; for (let line of subs) { const time = line.timeStartRaw - offs; line.timeText = JadefinModules.datetime.getDisplayRunningTime(time); line.isPositive = time >= 0; } } _updateTranscriptLog() { const elList = this._osdTranscriptLogList; const subs = this.isEnabled ? this.currentSubs : null; if (!subs) { // Don't end - keep the last subs for fadeouts. return; } for (let i in subs) { const line = subs[i]; line.el = elList.add(line.id, el => { const old = el; el = rd$(el)` ${line.timeText} ${line.textSpan} `; if (!old) { el.addEventListener("click", () => { if (document.body.getAttribute("input-eaten") != "true") { JadefinModules.playbackManager.seek(el["_data_subLine"].timeStartRaw); } }); } return el; }); line.el?.classList.toggle("active", false); line.el["_data_subLine"] = line; } elList.end(); } })());